Old Montreal Selfie Rally

ClasseTrotteur > Old Montreal Selfie Rally


ClasseTrotteur > Old Montreal Selfie Rally

Old Montreal Selfie Rally


LET’S START ! Get to the corner of Rue de la Commune and Rue Bonsecours.

Capture d’écran, le 2021-05-18 à 13.37.37

For more than 350 years I looked over Montreal, became the favorite place of worship for sailors and am home of the Tomb of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, the mother of the colony.

Post your answers on instagram :

#classetrotteur #selfierallyCT #your team’s name!


Take Rue Bonsecours et turn left on rue Saint-Paul.

Stop when you reach rue Saint-Claude (130 meters).

Capture d’écran, le 2021-05-18 à 13.55.28

I served briefly as Parliament for United Canada in 1849, then as City Hall until 1878.But I was used mainly as the main municipal and regional market !

Post your answers on instagram :

#classetrotteur #selfierallyCT #your team’s name!