This program is a sample of what we can do. But there is so much more options or choices available to your group! Let us know what you are looking for and we’ll prepare an itinerary just for your tour.

Day 1/2
After a first day traveling to the american capital, start the second day with a walking tour of Arlington National Cemetery where the student will witness the Tomb of the Unknows, Robert E. Lee’s house and the restinbg place of President J.F. Kennedy.
In the afternoon, visit of the United States Holocaust memorial museum. Then discover the impressive monuments to Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and martin Luther King.

Day 3
Walking tour at the heart of america’s legislative and judicial powers to see the Supreme Court, the Capitol and the Library of Congress.
Discover the National mall and it’s amazing Smithsonian Institute museums. Choose between those four most popular; Museum of American history, Air and Space Museum, Natural History and the Gallery of Art.
In the afternoon, learn and see about the White House and visit the Second World War monument.
In the evening, pay respect to Abraham Lincoln, the Vietnam veterans and the Corean war memorial.

Day 4/5
Guided tour of the National Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
After lunch, visit of the Ford’s Theater where Abraham Lincoln was killed days after the end of the American civil war.
Many options for this afternoon and the last evening; Newseum, Spy museum, Madame Tussaud or a cruise on the Potomac river?